NUC BHM Heroes

Black History Month Heroes ‘Inspiring Greatness’- Who is your hero?

Welke lessen kunnen we van helden als Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey en Malcolm X leren om een betere toekomst te creëren? Hoe kunnen helden als als
Rosa Park, Anton de Kom en Angela Davis ons motiveren om het beste uit onszelf te halen?

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. goes down in history as one of the principal leader of the civil rights movement in the United States and a prominent advocate
of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil
rights in the United States.

Read more about Martin Luther King…

John Henrik Clarke

‘History is a clock that people use to tell their time of day. It is a compass that they use to find themselves on the map of human geography. It also
tells them where they are, and what they are. Most importantly, an understanding of history tells a people where they still must go, and what they
still must be.’

Read more about John Henrik Clarke…

More will follow soon…

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